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Archiving channels

Archive old Nectir channels

Vicky Le avatar
Written by Vicky Le
Updated over a week ago

When your class/group is done, you may want to archive your channel so that it is removed from any directories and cannot be used anymore. Archiving will make it so that nobody can be added/send messages, but you as the owner will still be able to search for it and find it in case you want to read through the previous messages.

If you want to fully delete the channel and all of its messages/content permanently, contact @VickyNectir on your workspace and we will do it for you.

To archive your channel (you must be the owner of it):

  1. Click the "i" info button in the top right corner of the channel.

  2. Click the "Edit" button.

  3. Scroll down until you see a toggle button that says "Archive" next to it.

  4. Toggle this on, press "Save", and your channel will be archived! You can go back and un-toggle it at any point to bring the channel back to life.

Want to find an archived channel?

If it was a public channel, you can find it in the public directory. It will be read only.

  1. Click the globe icon on your sidebar to open the public directory.

  2. Select the channel. The channel should be set to read only.

If it was a private channel, you can find it using the magnifying glass icon on your sidebar.

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon and search for the name of your archived channel

  2. Select the channel. The channel should be set to read only.

How to unarchive an archived channel?

  1. Find the archived channel.

  2. Select the room info icon on the top right of the channel.

  3. Select edit.

  4. Toggle the archive button.

  5. Save and your channel should be unarchived!

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